Friday, 26 June 2020

Reading Task

W.A.L.T upload my learning to my blog in write about it.

Today's tasks was to create Antarctica and the drilling rig on it from the book ' Captured in ice '. We had to show the ice shelves and ice sheets in our creation. The difference between an ice shelf and ice sheet is... an ice sheet is a piece of ice that floats above the sea water, and an ice shelf is a large body of ice that is connected to a to another piece of ice. The book is about scientists on Antarctica studying ice.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun to create Antarctica and the drilling rig. I also enjoyed reading the book it was really interesting and had lots of facts.
I reckon one thing I can improve on on is having some of those facts on their to tell you how Antarctica is changing by climate change.

Do you like my drilling rig?

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Kiwi Can Week 2

W.A.L.T upload my learning to my blog and write about it.

Today we had Kiwi can we play the lots of fun games. This term we have been learning about Resilience and Perseverance. Our catchphrase was when times get tough, we don't despair, we bounce back up and perseverance, we also cool sign language for the words. We always play fun games at Kiwi can that is my favourite part at Kiwi can. My other favourite part about Kiwi can is at the end we play a game called GKQ. One game we played today was octopus. Octopus is a game that you have two or three taggers and when those taggers tag people the people that get tagged have to stand still like an octopus and there not allowed to move but they are allowed to tag people. another game we played at Kiwi can was called traffic light. Traffic light is a game that when is a person's a green light you run. When they say orange like you walk. Then when they say red light you stop.
Here is some photos.

Do have Kiwi can at your school?