Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Kiwi can

W.A.L.T upload my learning to my blog and write about it.

Today was the first day that Kiwi can came back to school. Our blogging task is to write a reflection on how the session with Kiwi can was. Kiwi can is people that come to schools around the Far North of New Zealand. They do learn sign language and play fun activities it is so much fun.

Today at Kiwi can We learnt played a cool catchphrase and played a balancing game that you balance the ball on the back of your hand and you had to get the ball from one side of the court to the other side were some of your team is. We also played a Rock Paper Scissors game you got split into two teams and team was on one side of the court and the other team was on the other side of the court. First we ran up one line and then turned and ran down at the halfway line and when we got to each other we play Rock Paper Scissors the winner carried on and the loser went to the back of the line.

I enjoyed Kiwi can today because I liked playing the games and learning the catchphrase. One thing I found challenging was that the catchphrase was a bit hard today but when I watched the teacher do it it was so easy.

Do you have Kiwi can at your school?

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora. I am Ezra from St Mary’s School.
    I really liked hearing about kiwi can
    I learnt that kiwi can come to your school.
    Kiwi can does not come to our school
    Please visit my blog

    Mā te wā
