Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Writing Template

W.A.L.T upload my learning to my blog and write about it.

Today we had to write in a template for our descriptive writing task. The template was to describe an item/object using our senses (taste, smell, look, sound and feel) and show, don't tell. I decided to do concrete Here it is:

What did I do well?
I reckon I did pretty well where's my template one thing that I did we was using some descriptive words when I was describing concrete.

What could I improve on?
Next time I reckon I should use some more descriptive words so it would be detailed and interesting.

How can I use this in my writing?
when I do some descriptive writing I will use my senses to make my writing more descriptive an interesting.

Have you done descriptive writing before?

1 comment:

  1. Hi I like how you rite alot of writting keep the good work up what did you enjoy about the task?
