Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Bok Choy summary

I.A.L.T upload my learning to my blog and write about it.

My writing task for the last two days was to create a storyboard and then write a summary about Bok Choy. Below is a screenshot of my storyboard and summary.

Bok Choy is a story written by Paul mason. The is set in a chinese village in New Zealand. The charters in the story Mrs Bishop, William,  Jacob, Jacob’s mother and Ah sum.  The beginning of the story  Jacob and his mother are stacking firewood. They see Ah sum  selling his Bok Choy to make some money. Mrs Bishop, a mean lady comes out with her son William to beat their carpet. She mocks Bok Choys and calls them chinese cabbages. Ah sum carries on down the street. Jacob and William start to argue and Jacob walks away. Jacob decides to go fishing to get away. Jacob slips on the rocks and falls into the water. Jacob wakes up in a chinese hut. He sees the Ah sum’s  trousers are soaked. Jacob and Ah sum talk. Then  Jacob’s mother comes and gets Jacob. On the way back Jacob’s mother stands up for Ah sum and tells Mrs Bishop that Bok Choy isn't called chinese cabbages.

How do you think i did with my storyboard and summary?

I enjoyed reading the story Bok Choy because Ah sum didn't get treated nicely at the beginning but towards the end of the story people began to like him because he saved Jacob from drowning in the river.

Have you done a summary before?


  1. Hi Caleb I like your storyboard, next time you could add what you found challenging, good job!

  2. Hi Caleb I like your post and the summery your storyboard was very clear and explaned it right away it was a great post and that you included the Arthur good job.

  3. Hey Caleb,
    I have not yet read the book but I am assuming it is good by the way your entire class put it up on their blog. I like how you put the words among the storyboard, it really gives life and description to the post. What do you think of the book?
