Friday, 22 May 2020

Significant event

W.A.L.T upload my Learning to my blog and write about it.

Yesterday my task was to write a significant event about the story 'My name is Rez'. The book 'My name is Rez'is about a girl that moves to New Zealand as refugee because her family was in the middle of wars in Kurdistan. The problem is she can't speak English so she made a friend to help her learn English.
Below is a screenshot of my task.

My name is Rez is a story about a girl that is a refugee due to war and fighting going on in her homeland, Kurdistan.There was a significant event that happened that I am going to write about.  Her mum was in a village when it got bombed, and her mother was killed. Her mum’s family walked with other families whose villages had been bombed to.

I choose to write about this event because when i read this story I wonder how her mum’s family  would have survived this event. I feel sad for Rez’s mum losing her mum because i would feel really sad if my mum died. I keep on reading and found out that they moved to New Zealand to get away from the bombing.

Do think i did good? Do you have any feedback?

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